Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am quite possibly nuts. Or maybe just goofy.

Because I have just scads of spare time after family, kids, work, kids, volunteering and kids, I have decided to write a novel.

In one month.

50,000 words in 30 days.

That is a mere 1,667 words per day for the month of November.

It looks to be pretty fun - participants write hideous prose for a month with the only goal being to get to 50k words by midnight on Nov 30. Success leads to great fame and prizes in the form of a webpage widget announcing success to anyone who cares to look.

Sure, its goofy and silly, but I am one of those gazillions of people who has always wanted to write a novel. But I am also aware that no one will ever mistake me for Hemingway or Twain, and may not even mistake me for one of those hacks who writes the letters to penthouse. So I have never even started one, but here is an excuse - and it is not only okay to be a bad writer, it is expected.

I should fit write in. (heh heh)

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